Tripura Urban Planning & Development Authority (TUPDA), a state level development agency, constituted primarily to promote well planned and well designed urban development, provide quality urban infrastructure both and social and physical, ensure quality of highest order in urban areas, promotion of conservation preservation of valuable natural and man-made built heritage, making available cost-effective, energy efficient, environmental friendly and affordable housing using state of the art technologies to all strata of society including poorest of the poor, promote role of private sector in achieving the objective of planned development, creation of urban infrastructure, housing etc. through this citizen charter makes commitment to all allotters/purchasers of properties and public at large to:
- Ensure transparency in decision making by eliminating all elements of subjectivity and arbitrariness.
- Provide efficient and prompt services within a minimum time frame.
- Make available quality product at affordable and competitive process.
- Make beneficiaries an integral part of decision making in framing, designing, executing and ensuring quality of all urban projects & programs.
- Provide information on all issue with promptness and in a most transparent manner.
- Creating an in house system of monitoring, periodic review and independent scrutiny of performance and projects.